October 22, 2024
Trucking Accident

Due to their enormous size and weight, semi-truck crashes can lead to severe injuries, devastating property damage, and even death for people in nearby passenger vehicles. The risk of a crash goes up when the truck is not properly maintained, because the driver can lose control of the truck if it breaks down while in motion.

Nationally, about 10% of truck accidents are due to vehicle issues. Specifically, around 29% of those crashes involve brake problems, 6% are due to tire issues, and 4% happen because of improperly secured cargo.

When truck companies fail to properly maintain their vehicles and other road users are injured as a result, those truck companies can be held liable for victims’ medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Read on to learn how our Montgomery truck accident lawyers can assist you in proving a truck company’s negligence caused your injuries and get you fair compensation.

Common Truck Maintenance Issues That Lead to Accidents

Commercial trucks have multiple components that require regular maintenance. Some truck companies negligently decide not to maintain or repair their vehicles properly to cut down on their overhead costs. When trucking companies neglect maintenance on the following systems, it can lead to deadly collisions:

  • Engines: Engine failures, whether from overheating or internal malfunctions, can lead to sudden stops or breakdowns in high-traffic areas. A disabled truck on the road becomes an immediate hazard to other drivers, leading to rear-end collisions or multi-vehicle pileups.
  • Lights: Truck lighting is essential for visibility, both for the truck driver and others sharing the road. Broken or dim headlights, taillights, and brake lights increase the risk of collisions, especially at night or during poor weather conditions.
  • Brakes: Malfunctioning or worn brakes are a leading cause of semi-truck crashes. Given the heavy loads trucks carry, they need fully functional braking systems to stop effectively, especially in emergencies. Even a slight delay in braking can cause catastrophic accidents.
  • Tires: Worn-out tires, improperly inflated tires, or tires with defects are another common maintenance issue. Truck tires are under constant strain due to long distances and heavy loads, making them more prone to blowouts. A tire blowout at high speeds can result in a loss of control, leading to dangerous collisions.
  • Cargo Straps: Improperly secured loads can shift during transit, throwing off the truck’s balance and leading to rollovers or jackknife accidents. Loose cargo can also fall onto the road, creating hazardous conditions for other vehicles.
  • Suspension and Steering Components: Worn-out suspension and steering components can affect a truck’s handling, making it difficult to control on winding roads or during sudden turns. Trucks that are hard to steer pose a risk to everyone on the road.

When truck companies knowingly put unsafe vehicles on the road, they need to be held accountable when innocent people are injured as a result.

Contact our Montgomery truck accident lawyers today for a free case consultation following a crash with a semi-truck.

What Safety Measures Are Truck Companies Legally Required to Take?

To prevent truck accidents, trucking companies must follow strict maintenance routines and make regular inspections and repairs to keep vehicles safe for use on public roads. If they don’t, their trucks could break down while in motion, causing crashes for which the trucking company would be at fault.

Their required maintenance steps include:

Maintenance TaskWhat It EntailsSpecific Actions
Brake InspectionsCommercial truck drivers/companies must perform routine checks and replacements to minimize the risk of faulty brakes and prevent accidents.Check brake pads, calipers, and rotors regularly.Replace any faulty components.
Tire MaintenanceCommercial truck drivers/companies must inspect tires regularly for wear and tear and replace them when necessary to reduce the risk of blowouts.Inspect tires regularly for uneven wear.Ensure proper tire pressure and alignment.
Lighting ChecksCommercial truck drivers/companies must inspect truck lights before every long haul to ensure visibility and reduce accidents caused by poor lighting.Check all lights.Replace broken bulbs.Fix electrical issues.
Engine DiagnosticsCommercial truck drivers/companies must conduct regular engine diagnostics to identify potential issues early, ensuring trucks remain operational and safe.Run engine diagnostics.Perform oil changes and coolant checks.
Cargo SecurementCommercial truck drivers/companies must properly secure cargo using appropriate straps and tools to prevent load shifts during transit that can cause rollovers and spills.Follow federal regulations for securing cargo.Use approved straps and devices.Regularly check the condition of straps.
Suspension and Steering MaintenanceCommercial truck drivers/companies must inspect and maintain suspension and steering systems to ensure proper handling of the truck.Regularly check suspension and steering systems.Replace worn-out parts immediately.

Failure to perform any of these inspections or maintenance tasks is negligence. If our legal team finds evidence that the truck company did not follow the law, we can use this as evidence in your compensation claim.

How We Use This to Help Victims of Semi-Truck Crashes

To win a truck accident claim, victims must prove that the truck company or its driver was negligent and that their negligence caused the crash.

When we can prove:

  1. The truck company or truck driver knew or should have known that the truck was not safe to drive because it needed repairs or maintenance that were never completed.
  2. Broken or malfunctioning parts (such as burnt-out brake lights or bald tires) contributed to the crash.

Then we can argue that the truck driver or truck company’s negligence is at fault for your injuries.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, we can potentially hold multiple parties at fault to maximize your settlement, including the truck company, the truck driver, the manufacturer of the malfunctioning truck part(s), and more.

A truck accident attorney at our law firm can thoroughly investigate the accident by gathering critical evidence such as maintenance records, black box data, and expert opinions from reconstructionists. This allows us to accurately assess the crash and hold all liable parties responsible for your injuries.

Get Experienced Legal Help Today for Your Injuries

Trucking companies and their insurance providers often have a team of lawyers on their side, making it difficult for private individuals to fight back alone when they’ve been injured in collisions with massive trucks. At The Vance Law Firm Injury Lawyers, we understand the challenges of truck accident cases and are committed to securing the maximum settlement possible for innocent victims of truck companies’ negligence. 

If you or a loved one have been involved in a semi-truck accident, chances are you’ve suffered serious injuries and have a lot at stake. The outcome of your case could shape your future, impact your family, and affect your recovery.

Contact our law firm for a free consultation to learn how we can help you fight the trucking insurance companies and get you back on your feet.

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